
MedienABC provides an introduction into media education for teachers. MedienABC was set up as a course project for an MA course in Media Culture and Communication at the IoE in London, using and referring to information from a range of well-known media education experts. Feel free to Contact MedienABC with your feedback and/or any questions. Using our Sitemap you will always be able to find what you are looking for.

This guideline developed by media education experts will provide some basic information as to how to integrate it into your school and classroom.
Teaching Hints for Educators gives you some practical recommendations as how to get started.
Media education is an established part across the National Curriculum in the UK. Find out more about Media Education in the Curriculum.
Ideas for Introducing Media Literacy in Your School explains how to apply theoretical concepts and implement the process of media literacy in each local situation.
Success Criteria for Media Education in Schools will provide an overview of experts’ opinions of which criteria will lead to a successful media literacy education in schools.
Media Literacy

This section of the website will give you an introduction into the pedagogy of teaching media. Even if there no single definition What is Media Media Literacy attempts to give you an overview of media literacy.
Why Media Literacy important explains why teaching the media has become so important and relevant.
What Media Literacy is Not explains how media education is unlike other subjects is not about teaching facts, but about teaching to ask the right questions.
A Media Literacy Menu provides helpful recommendations for teachers of media education and some useful principles of pedagogy.
A list of Learning Outcomes presents aims of teaching media literacy across all subjects, in accordance with the Austrian National Curriculum.
Adapting Key Concepts for different Ages and Abilities explains how the Key Concepts and Key Questions are the inquiry tools, which can be simplified for younger children and those with limited language ability and expanded for older students.
How to conduct a Close Analysis introduces a basic media literacy exercise useful for analysis of any media text.
Basic Teaching techniques for Moving Images provides eight are designed to help you unravel the codes and conventions of the moving image, and enable you to use a wide range of film and video texts in the classroom.
Critical Framework

The section Critical Framework will provide you with a clear conceptual framework, which will enable you to teach any media text you wish to examine.
A Media Text can be any fictional or factual representation - a televison programme, a billboard poster, a video game or a website.
The Key Concepts provide a theoretical base for all media literacy, and give teachers a common language and framework for discussion.
Representation draws attention to the fact that media present carefully crafted constructions as the result of many determining factors.
Audience discusses the different way people use, interpret and respond to media. Understanding and reflecting on our own and others’ uses of media is an important part of media education.
Institution focusses on how media are produced by individuals, groups of people, and often by large corporations - media are big business.
Every medium uses its own Language to communicate meaning, whether through words, moving images or sound. Media education analyzes the codes and conventions governing these languages.
Genre is part of the Key Concept of Language, and can be applied to all kinds of media text.
Narrative expands familiar principles of storytelling into a new critical framework for moving images and new digital media forms.
Technology encourages the creation of media texts and media projects by students as part of the learning process.
Case Studies

This Section provides a series of Case Studies introducing media literacy in the classroom, while applying the Key Concepts as a principle of enquiry.

Resources features a teaching materials and lesson plans to download and adapt for your own use. You can contribute to this growing body of resources by sharing your experiences and submitting classroom materials, which you have developed.

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